Get Radical With Your Business

Get Radical With Your Business - I'm Back, Baby! (Season 4)

Heather Zeitzwolfe Season 4

It's me, Heather Zeitzwolfe; I'm BACK!!!!!! Yep - the show has been rebranded and renamed. The podcast formerly known as Get the Balance Right is now called Get Radical With Your Business! Yeah, baby! The focus is still on you, the creative entrepreneur! As part of the Rad Pack listening audience, I would LOVE to invite you to attend my free workshops and other events: GetRadBiz.Com/Events.

While on my podcasting sabbatical, I started an interactive and supportive ongoing program called Get Radical Profit Growth Accelerator. To learn more, go to GetRadBiz.Com/incubator

Contact Heather: Instagram - LinkedIn - Email:
Get Radical With Your Business: Facebook - Website
Book a Discovery Call (via Zoom) - Schedule
Zeitzwolfe Accounting: Website - Facebook

Yo, yo, yo, this is Get Radical With Your Business. And I am your host, Heather Zeitzwolfe. Folks.  Oh man. It has been a minute. Oh my God. So my podcast,  Get the Balance Right is being renamed and rebranded as Get Radical With Your Business. Yeah, I'm back. I'm so excited. Oh, my God. I miss podcasting.

Hey, shout out to all my fellow podcasters out there. You guys are awesome peeps and you inspire me every day and I've been itching to get back to podcasting. Well, what have I been up to in the meantime? Well, I'll tell you. I started my own membership. It's called Get Radical Profit Growth Accelerator.

Yeah... can you see a theme going on here with the Get Radical thing? If you, uh, know about me, I'm, uh, CPA, profit strategist and a business mentor; I oftentimes say, "get radical with your numbers." Well, you know what? I don't want you to just get radical with your numbers. I want you to get radical with your business. Yes. this podcast is going to be about....

Uh, business. Yeah, you guessed it. And I'm super, super excited because I have so many great interviews in the can. Oh, my God. I interviewed so many great people and they're like, "when are you ever going to release that podcast?" And now I'm thinking... "soon!" I've got some themes that are going to be coming up, bubbling to the surface.

Like I talked to a lot of people about podcasting. So I think that's probably going to be one of the big topics we're going to talk about is using your voice, using your authenticity and going on podcasts to promote your business, and also using speaking gigs to promote your business. You can look forward to that in the near future and

Want you to check out my new website, you can just go to GetRadBiz.Com That's GetRadBiz.Com. And why would you want to do that? Well, because I've got all kinds of free stuff for you! There are events coming up that I am offering workshops masterclass. Uh, Free stuff. I don't know. Gee, you got to just check it out. 

I can't promise you, what's going to be there if you're listening to this in the future, but right now we've got some great workshops coming up and I would love for you to sign up for and I've got some other really cool things up my sleeve is so you won't want to miss it.  This is just a sweet, short, whatever...

Welcome back kind of thing. And I want to just say, Hey, Hey, Hey, to all of you creative entrepreneurs out there. And we are gonna just like, Bust bust a move. I was going to say, bust a move. Wasn't that a song bust a move on anyways. Okay. Um, Eh, aging myself, probably. All right. Alright, dudes, dudettes... I keep rambling because I'm just so excited to be behind a microphone again. I'm just like, oh, 

So, yes. All right. I'm back. Anyways, You get the drift, you get the drifty, who we're going to be doing this. We're going to have fun. It's  business, but it's going to be a fun times. This is no serious business podcast. No way this is, but you could have, it's going to be educational though. Don't worry about that. That'd be silliness. 

Fun-ness is fundus a word? I don't think it is funniness. Silliness, . Okay, you get it.  See ya on the flippity flip side next week. And Hey, do me a favor. If you,  want me to cover a topic? Let me know, please hit me up on the Instagram on the, on the internets. You can find me, or you can go to and send me an email. 

All right, right back at ya. Buh-bye.  

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